Liver Focus All-Natural Liver Cleanse & Detox

Discover a Premium Liver Cleanse to Enhance the Body’s Ability to Burn Fat


200+ Reviews


“l absolutely love Liver Focus!!” I have to admit I had an awful eating week last week. I continued to take my LF How about I lost one pound and the fat is falling off of me. There is an awesome secret on that bottle. I’m ordering a ton when it’s available again.”

Mwandishi S


Proprietary blend of botanical extracts, vitamins and minerals:

  • Supports Liver Health
  • Simple-To-Use
  • Antioxidant Support
  • Gluten-Free
  • High Quality Ingredients
  • Safe And Gentle Formulation

Buy Liver Focus Now

Over 2 Million pounds lost

Thanks to JJ and her methods

Those liver focus pills and green smoothies are the truth!! Left pic is 3/4 and right pic is 4/29


Kristian said… if you still need proof Liver Focus works… she is it… swipe left to read what she did and what she ate! And please show her some love! She looks incredible!


3 months of Liver Focus, a gallon of water per day, one smoothie per day and no gym… just walking.


Akilah shares her 30 day results on Liver Focus! Belly fat be gone! She eats clean and drinks plenty of water. Her workouts are about 3 days per week!


Widlynea shares her 30 day results on Liver Focus and Mag07. She said the scale hasn’t moved much but she’s seeing results! Inches matter!!


Wow! 2019 was Stephani’s year!! She said she’s loving the new her. Liver focus and Mag07 got her right!! BAM!! She says she also drinks a gallon of water per day, workouts most weekdays and drinks a smoothie for breakfast, salad for lunch and healthy dinner. Now this is what you call a lifestyle change


Help me celebrate Kimberly! She’s lost about 70 pounds doing smoothies, Liver Focus, Mag07 and a gallon of water per day! Show her some love! She says LIVER FOCUS IS THR TRUTH!!!


Kendra shows her 8 month progress with Green Smoothies, Liver Focus and Strength Training! Belly on flat flat! They’re showing her a lot of love in my green smoothie Facebook group.


Tari did that! She said green smoothies, Liver Focus and exercise got her there!


Brittini shared her 1 month progress on Liver Focus. She said she did Liver Focus, worked out here and there and didn’t do the green smoothie cleanse because she only made it to Day 2.


Briehn says “from May to September. The results of taking 4 months of Liver Focus”


Sheeda says 5 weeks later she can fit into her jeans! She takes 3 Liver Focus in the morning and 2 Mag07 at night. She drinks a gallon of water per day and cut out carbs and sweets.


Myles says: “My wife encouraged me to try the JJ way and with her and I’ve lost 85lbs and she’s lost 40lbs. We are on Liver Focus, Mag07, working out, green smoothies, and keto! We are improving our health for ourselves and our 3 children!”


Kayla says “I thank god for this journey!!! Liver Focus + 1 gallon of water and clean eating!!! I’m watching the inches fall off!!!”


Latrina shares her 7 weeks results. This is what she says “healthy clean eating/smoothies with a few days of what I want along Liver Focus and magO7”


Shawn says ” the struggle was real y’all and still is!!! I struggled many years with being overweight… but whew chile, JJ Smith blessed us with her amazing Liver Focus!!! I am on month 2 and with the help of portion control and being a busy mom, the results are in the making!!! Keep pushing everyone!”


Kimberly says… “I started my journey with JJ’s Six weeks to sexy (JJ’s Keto) challenge in January 2019. I began taking Liver Focus each day with my first meal of the day. After the six weeks challenge was over, I did the 10-day green smoothie cleanse. I was feeling so excited by my results and I have kept the weight off. I went from 223 lbs down to 175 lbs by August 2019. I’m currently at 171 and I am loving my new body. I have more energy and I love that we ate real food and had so many detox options. I am grateful to JJ, and the team for this life-changing program”


Sylvester on his 3 month journey! He says… “I completed my 10 day GSC the 4th try. No cheating! No sneaking! No pretending! I did the full cleanse, and my Liver Focus pills. This motivated me to change my lifestyle. I didn’t go into it looking at it is a diet…I looked at it as having a second chance at life. My 3 sons notice the difference because I have SO MUCH energy. I exercise (cardio) at least once a day, drink LOTS of water, I cut out pastas, sweets, breads, ground beef, and fried foods. NO fast food. I bake my food…eat some plant based meals, whenever I crave sweets (cause I use to be OVER THE TOP BIG on them), I just eat fresh fruits. I drink my detox tea in the morning, cap full of ACV. I just live now…and I’m happy living!
There’s so much I can say about JJ Smith, GSC, and the Liver Focus pills. EVERYONE notices the change, not only in my outer appearance, but just my overall demeanor…the happy way I carry myself now. I thank God for JJ Smith. As a man, for me, it’s important to let other men know that it’s imperative to take care of your body.


Kaleesha says: “I started my lifestyle change on January 7th with JJ’s 6 weeks to sexy challenge (Which is JJ’s Keto Challenge). I started liver focus in March and noticed my back fat and love handles disappearing. I also incorporated the following detox methods…ACV twice a day, detox tea twice a day, and mag 07 2-3 times per week. I do the workout videos provided in the book 2-3 times per week. I have cheat meals but I‘m always able to pull back if I slip too much by repeating JJ’s challenge.”


Regina shared her pics in my Green Smoothie Facebook group and shut the internet down! She looks amazing. I always tell people that just doing the green smoothie cleanse once a month will get to your goal weight so much faster. #GSC #LiverFocus#JJSmith.
In just over a year, Regina has gone from 390 to 217 by working out walking, lifting, boxing), doing the green smoothie cleanse and when not cleansing, (her meals of choice include eggs, meats, seafood, tuna.


Shay said she started Liver Focus in September 2019 and Green Smoothies in October 2019 (1-2 per day) and eats healthy with no white foods, pasta, bread, rice, etc). She uses 3 Liver Focus per day and began to notice results after Day 24. She hasn’t started Mag07 and says she needs to incorporate exercise too. She hasn’t weighed herself because she can easily get discouraged by the scale but plans to weigh at the end of November. #LiverFocus.


Jasmine’s waist is snatched!! Down over 30 pounds in 3 months… she’s doing Green smoothies, Liver Focus, Mag07 and working out and it’s working for her. She looks amazing. Show her some love and swipe left to see what she says!


My name is Alesia and I wanted to share my journey with you. One day I’m scrolling on IG and I came across your page. I clicked to read about liver focus and how it works. At first, of course, I was skeptical but I knew I trusted in the green smoothies in the past which made me trust in your words that day so I ordered a bottle. I began taking 2 pills daily. At first, I was like ok I know she said give it some time to work into your system. I decided to increase to taking 3 pills and OMG when I tell you one day I just was floored. I would take my 3 pills daily and consume at least 64 ounces of water every day. I’m on my 2nd bottle of liver focus and I have convinced 10 people to order and try after seeing my results. I have so much energy plus my eating is under control. I use the bathroom regularly which I didn’t do before. I won’t keep going on and on. I will let my photos speak for themselves!!! Liver focus is the truth and I will continue to take it. Thank you so so much!


Jasmine B. shows her 3 weeks results on Liver Focus!  She says:  “Come thru Liver Focus!! Not where I wanna be but it’s a work in progress!!! #30morepoundstogo”

Jasmine B

Kara L. Says she’s been on Liver Focus almost 3 weeks and is eating cleaner and working out almost every other day. She says:  “I am finally back at my high school weight!”

Kara L

LaShaca F. says she’s been on Liver Focus for 1 month and she used Mag07 along with it.  She wears a fitness belt under her work uniform and works 12 hours a day (10 of which is on a golf cart). She didn’t workout at all, but hopes to start walking soon.  She doesn’t diet but she does Intermittent Fasting on and off but not consistently; no specific meal plan but at least 3 liters to a gallon of water a day!  You know you can’t successfully detox without drinking tons of water!

LaShaca F

This is me….overcoming obesity….going from 232 to 170….this is me….believing in me and this journey….staying the course….this is me….trusting the process….being disciplined…..drinking my green smoothies….Liver Focus….Mag 07 religiously….this is me….a work in progress but a beauty all the same

Asia G

Shannon says:  “When Liver Focus does the body some good. From 179 to 138.”   She’s been doing green smoothies, clean eating and liver focus and it took her 4 months to get to her goal weight… and now she’s in maintenance mode. She didn’t really exercise, just a little walking.

Shannon D

Dayna’s smile is LIFE! She said:  “Liver Focus come through baby!! Down 20 pounds in 5 weeks!”  Dayna said she never did the green smoothies but she walked and watched her portion sizes and she looks amazing! You don’t have to do the green smoothie cleanse to get results with Liver Focus!!

Dayna S

Hunny when I tell you. That Liver Focus is “DA TRUTH”. I’ve been using Liver Focus for 5 weeks on my first bottle. I’ve done the 10-Day detox about a month ago. And now I just weight lift and do a lot of hiit and increase my water intake. JJ you are heaven sent. Thank you. I have 3 of your books and they have helped me a lot

Dazee D

I have been following the JJ Smith GSC since January of 2017. I have done amazing and also have my slip ups and spiral downhill and gain some weight back, but I never gave up on me… And never will, I’m in it for the long ride until I reach my goal and then I still will continue. PS…. I have to give a special shoutout to Liver Focus, you helping me my thang!

Amara A

Faye M. Says:  “This is why I take pictures. Because pictures don’t lie. The first picture was taken June 28th). I had gain 17 lb,  I was busted and disgusted and I knew I had to make a change. The last picture was taken September 16th today.  Sis you got this💪💕👌”.  She also said she takes 3 Liver Focus per day and she didn’t workout but starting walking last week. She says she drinks a lot of water and adds a smoothie to her healthy snacks and a sensible dinner.

Faye M

Natasha says she’s been using Liver Focus for a month… She also said she’s trying to eat better by eating no sweets and carbs and she does CrossFit. Here’s what she shared in my 10-Day Green Smoothie Group: “Been on Liver Focus since August 1st and my results are AMAZING… I’m more determined than ever before”

Natasha C

“This is what Liver Focus is doing for me!”  30 days on Liver Focus is a game changer!

Marilyn D

My Liver Focus journey started almost 3 weeks ago. I wanted to test it out for myself for 30 days with no MagO7, no exercising. My morning hair is a mess but the excitement of RESULTS made me post this anyway! Liver Focus is THE TRUTH! Thank you JJ Smith! And yes! Same hair, same nails, same bathroom, same phone, same swimsuit, first pic with underwear second pic… No underwear needed.

Michelle J

Y’all please don’t laugh at my stomach. Looking like some duck lips! Picture on the left was taken in March 2019 and picture on the right was taken August 9. I used to be ashamed of my stomach but over a period of time I was lord these Liver Focus and MagO7 is the truth. I still have a lot of work to do but i just wanted to say thank you JJ Smith

Kimberly E

The power of Liver Focus!!!!

Latoya A

Today make 2 weeks on the Liver Focus I tell you this is everything! I am still pushing myself; next time I share testimonial all my back fat should be gone, yessss. Thank you JJ Smith and your facebook group, much love! Y’all please don’t give up, it works. Thank you Lord!

Andrea H

Green Smoothie Cleanse / Liver Focus works for me! My stomach is a witness of what’s working for me. Let my stomach touch my back… I’m gone to be too much for my own self. It has been 2 weeks between my before and after photos.

Latoya B

Week 1, week 2 and week 3. 18 days on Liver Focus honayeeee Baybeee, back fat leaving my fufa, leaving my stomach leaving me. I’m usually disappointed when something leaves that’s been so close to me but in this case holla lmao, go Tina.

Kitina M

Y’all still haven’t gotten that Liver Focus? Let this 54 years old mother of 3, tell you how Liver Focus got rid of the bloat and back fat I was carrying around. Nope, I haven’t weighed myself yet, but the inches are coming off!

Priscilla L

Finally my double chin is going down and between my thighs too. Thanks LIVER FOCUS.

Mary W

Ok I’ve been on Liver Focus for three weeks now. I went back and forth if I should post my picture. The first one after taken it for 3days, the second one was taken yesterday. Excuse my underwear just wanted to show how they are falling off me lol.

Alisa V

Before photos (yikes) after photos (Bam!) Let me tell you about Liver Focus it’s not only did it help get rid of the back fat, belly fat… I love Liver Focus because it’s helps get rid of stubborn belly fat PERIODT… For me it was like magic I had 4, C-sections look at me now heyyy!!!! I have more energy… I got my life back… My confidence and more… #LiverFocusBaby….

Shetandra B

I noticed a difference since switching to mornings! My appetite is cut and hontey… The back fat is still dwindling away.

Pryncess N

Day 6. My feet and ankles have lost weight!! This GSC and Liver Focus got me on the path to getting my sexy back!

Kem S

When I tell y’all!! This Liver Focus is the truth…

Tameka L

Two weeks of being on Liver Focus, yassss hunty.

Rochelle P

I normally don’t post pictures, but I had to share this one. I started taking 3 capsules of Liver Focus consistently. I haven’t exercised or eaten as cleanly as I should. Took a photo this morning, as I have been able to tell a difference in my clothes. In just over two weeks the rolls on my back have practically melted away! Thank you JJ Smith for such an awesome product!!!!

Kisha K

I am on my 2nd bottle of Liver Focus… When I say it’s the REAL DEAL… I didn’t wanna post this but it was on my heart, hoping I can encourage someone. Keep going, don’t give up on you… Be our biggest fan & supporter. Be patient & trust the process… This is April vs today (Aug) I’m not where I wanna be but I’m not where I used to be… Keep going… A change is gonna come… Be the change you wanna see.

Tanesha C

Before and current pic of week 3 on Liver Focus ONLY. Starting MagO7 tonight and 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse tomorrow

Sinatra W

Thanks to Liver Focus I no longer have Bobbie-Do…. My Belly doesn’t stick out more than my boobs do anymore…  The curves are COMING THROUGH!!! Thanks JJ #LiverFocus

Angela M

I have been taking the Liver Focus for 7 days and these are my results thus far. I weighed 196 in the pic on the left and 192 on the pic on the right. I have not changed my diet or have exercised at all. I took two pills consistently at night and drank soooo much water. If you are having doubts about Liver Focus (I did too), I can totally understand that; however, you never know unless you try!

Ashley W

I have been taking Liver Focus, exercising and eating right! Liver Focus is the truth!!

Dileone M

“l have not posted pics until now, because I hated what I had become. Tearfully I now share that Liver focus has been a major game changer for me. After caring for my sick mother for 2 years,
I suffered from Adrenal Fatigue. Hormonal imbalances, Menopause issues, and a preexisting injury to the spine. This caused my weight to sky rocket up to 320 pounds, and losing most Of my hair.
My cousin told me about JJ, the rest is History! I started with JJ in September 2018, I have been successfully losing weight and am currently at 247 pounds. I will never be without Liver Focus again, the proof is in my pictures. I Was miserable, but With Liver Focus I have lost over 70 inches. I thank GOD for JJ Smith and all nem!!”

Hazel W

“I started taking Liver Focus as soon as it became available again in March. It definitely lived up to all the hype! Within 30 days, that back fat and belly fat was literally melting away! The bloating in my stomach went down considerably, due to better digestion. I also noticed my energy was much higher than usual. I’m 53 years old and my kids told me I seemed like I was in my 30’s again! (I feel like it too!) My skin is more radiant and the whites of my eyes are brighter than ever. Liver Focus is the one supplement I can never live without! Thanks for creating such an amazing product, JJ!”

Kim D

“Liver Focus has really changed my life in so many ways. Liver Focus is nothing but the truth! I can testify that it works I have noticed how my belly fat has disappeared. TO give you a Visual
I went from my belly looking like duck lips to it looking like two taco shells. The results occurred so quickly, I feel like I went to bed and woke up hours later feeling and looking better.
It seem almost like it was overnight. My digestion system is definitely better too! I don’t have acid reflux and bloating anymore thanks to Liver Focus. In addition. my back fat is really smooth.
I no longer have to worry about wearing an extra layer of clothing just to hide the fat. Because of Liver Focus I have more energy” I dontfeel sluggish anymore.”

Sarah T

“l was told by the doctor that I had a fatty liver. I didn’t really know what that meant until I joined the VIP group. ordered liver focus Jan 1st. was eager to try and see if there
would be any changes. Girl. when I say changes. …i mean CHANGES. I had the rolls of fat on my back. no curve in my waist (straight up and down) a huge belly and low energy. The top left pic is before Liver focus, the top right pic and the bottom right pic are from today. As they say pictures are worth 1000 words. I have curves my belly fat is gone down quite a bit
(still work to do), and my energy level is out the roof. I Will not be Without my liver focus.”

Erica C

“l first started using Liver focus in January 2019, I said to myself had to see what all the rave was about went to my island home Of Jamaica and I know this would be the test as was eating everything in sight literally, but I was taking 3 capsules in the morning and the inches were falling off. I have to be up at 4:40 am for work and I just hop up and go, I don’t have to hit snooze!! I no longer have back tat and I had to be fitted again for my bra. Belly fat is gone and I am working on the muscle in my stomach to get them toned. So to recap… Energy, Back and Belly Fat, inches falling off. I don’t want that bag for my birthday this year, I want a few months supply of Liver Focus aka -the truth” aka bae.”

Bernadette M

“Tale Of two stories. Last June my son went Off to grad school in New York and I saw’ myself in a picture and couldn’t believe I had done to myself. I started the cleanse and after the 30 Day modified, I joined the VIP group. I want to be healthy as I aged, I’m 61. My son graduates in two weeks and returning to Illinois. In the picture on the right, after diligently using the liver focus. finally saw the back fat and the pouch melting away. That liver focus is everything. LOL Thank you J’, your team, the VIP group and most of all God foranswering my prayer.”

Sandra S

Very rarely do you find a product that does exactly What it claims to do but Liver Focus is truly one of those rare finds. I started taking Liver Focus in December 2018 and it has definitely been a game changer for me on this weight loss journey. The fat burning power of this product is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! started With taking 2 a day and increased to 3 a day On March 5th.
Since I’ve started taking Liver Focus I’m seeing the belly fat, back fat and love handles melting away and my overall body fat number is steadily decreasing. I’ve also noticed the whites Of my eyes are brighter and the dark circles around my eyes are getting lighter too. Liver Focus is definitely THE TRUTH!!!”

Angela M

“Omg. This liver focus
My daughter who is 23 and a type 2 diabetic plus a fatty liver has been struggling. I gave her a bottle of liver focus to try She began taking two pills first thing in the morning. PRAISE REPORT. In 10 days she’s down 10 pounds and has lost one back roll. She is beyond words!!!”

Tina D

“When I tell you the liver focus is nothing but the truth”! I started 3 weeks ago by taking 2 pills a day. I’m not going to lie after seeing others stating they took 3 pills daily. I move up knowing that’s not the recommendation dosage. But honey when I tell you I had to show my personal trainer on yesterday. This stomach has shrink tremendously I couldn’t believe it myself. I dont want to ever run out and I’m going back to my 2 pills a day.”

Shaneki B

“OMG, I love the product. Liver Focus has changed my life. One of the main things I have noticed is my cravings for sweets have decreased tremendously. I have not craved chocolate and soda
since I have been taking LF and believe me I love chocolate. I have tried Other liver detoxing supplements and this has been the best one for me. Losing belly fat and inches Off my waist. I LOVE ME SOME LIVER FOCUS!”

Rita W

“l will say I’m on bottle #2 of Liver Focus and my back rolls are finally going away. And my stomach is getting flatter. I do see a huge difference in my body to the point people aren’t recognizing me at work.”

Vivisica B

“l absolutely love Liver Focus!!” I have to admit I had an awful eating week last week. I continued to take my LF How about I lost one pound and the fat is falling off of me. There is an awesome secret on that bottle. I’m ordering a ton when it’s available again. Thank you JJ Smith.”

Mwandishi S

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits?
Liver Focus is a liver cleanse that aAccelerates fat burning, supports liver health, protects against toxins, and improves digestion.

How should you take it?
Start with 2 capsules per day, morning or night, but 2 hours from other supplements and medications. After a week, you can increase to 3 capsules per day to accelerate results. If supplements make you queasy, take with food.

How long do you take it?
Most people take Liver Focus daily until they reach their optimal body fat percentage.

Can it be taken with other medicine?
As long as your Dr. approves. Just be sure to take it 2-3 hours apart from other supplements and medicines.

How long before you start seeing results?
You should give it 30 days for liver focus to build up in your system and show results.

Does it replace Mag07?
No, Mag07 is for digestive cleansing while liver focus is a liver cleanse that accelerates fat burning in the body. They can be taken together.

Do you have to take it with food?
It’s not required. However, it is recommended, especially if you have a sensitive stomach.

Does it replace Apple Cider Vinegar?
No, it’s taken in addition to Apple Cider Vineger to enhance Liver detoxing.

Should I take a break from it?
A few days break once every 30 days is recommended from all supplements to give your body a chance to rest.

Can you still lose the fat if you're not on the cleanse?
Yes, but you will see maximum benefits by following a clean eating lifestyle.

What are the side effects?
There are none reported, but you may experience normal detox symptoms during the first week of taking the supplement.

Books Merchandise Programs

Liver Focus All-Natural Liver Cleanse & Detox by JJ Smith

Discover a Premium Liver Cleanse to Enhance the Body’s Ability to Burn F