1 Secret to Become Slim AND Have Radiant Skin

Written by JJ Smith, #1 NY Times Bestselling Author and Weight Loss Expert

Posted October 25th, 2011 under Diet/Weight Loss, Self Love

The skin is the largest organ of elimination for the body, and a sauna helps you sweat out toxins from the body. Why I love the sauna is that I’m all about things that have a health benefit while providing a beauty benefit. You can kill two birds with one stone. You release toxins, burn calories, and come out with glowing skin. I personally love getting in the sauna. I had a client that learned from my teleseminars about saunas and found that by sweating out her toxins in the sauna, her acne cleared up; this was due to her sweating out the toxins as opposed to them being released through the skin, causing acne and other rashes.

If you want to know how healthy someone is, sometimes you can just look at his or her skin and tell. If someone has clear, radiant skin, there’s a good chance he or she is very healthy; breakouts, puffiness, or dry skin indicate that the body is having some health problems. Experts say that a sauna session can do more to clean, detoxify, and simply “freshen” your skin than anything else.

Benefits of the Sauna:

• Weight loss. Burn 300 to 500 calories in fifteen to twenty minutes, almost equivalent to one to two hours of brisk walking or one hour of exercise. Saunas works positively on metabolism, increasing its speed and intensity, which in turn results in weight loss.

• Elimination of toxins. Steam saunas induce perspiration, which is how the body purges itself of toxins and impurities. The heat of the steam causes the body’s temperature to rise, which can help kill any virus, bacteria, fungus, or parasite in the body.

• Improved skin. Steam opens up the pores of the skin, allowing impurities and toxins to flush themselves out of the body. The steam also hydrates and moisturizes the skin, making steam saunas particularly beneficial to people with dry skin.

• Strengthened immune system. The steam in a steam sauna opens up the pores, allowing the skin to sweat out toxins that can cause illness. The high temperature of a steam sauna causes an artificial fever, which sends a “wake-up call” to the immune system and increases an individual’s white blood cell count.

• Relaxed muscles. The heat from the steam warms and relaxes tense muscles. This relaxation helps to reduce stress levels, revive mental clarity, and improve overall physical and emotional health.

JJ Smith (www.JJSmithOnline.com) is a nutritionist and certified weight-management specialist who has been featured on The Montel Williams Show, The Jamie Foxx Show and on the NBC, FOX, CBS and CW networks. Her advice has also been featured in the pages of Glamour, Essence, and Ladies Home Journal. Since reclaiming her health, losing weight, and discovering a “second youth” in her forties, bestselling author JJ Smith has become the voice of inspiration to women who want to lose weight, be healthy, and get their sexy back! JJ may be contacted by email at info@jjsmithonline.com and on Twitter: jjsmithonline and Facebook Page: RealTalkJJ