detox word written on wood block on wooden table

Embarking on a Liver Detox Journey: The Ultimate Guide to Liver Cleansing

Written by JJ Smith, #1 NY Times Bestselling Author and Weight Loss Expert

Posted July 11th, 2024 under Detoxification, Health and Wellness, Liver Cleanse and Detox, Liver Focus

Welcome to your journey towards better health and vitality. Embarking on a detox journey is more than just a passing health trend; it’s a transformative experience that can significantly boost your wellbeing. Central to this journey is the cleansing of one of the most important and often overlooked organs in our body – the liver. …

Liver Detox FAQs

Your Liver Detox FAQs

Written by JJ Smith, #1 NY Times Bestselling Author and Weight Loss Expert

Posted September 21st, 2021 under Detoxification, Liver Focus

Get answers to your questions about detoxifying your liver safely and naturally I love that so many of you are contacting me with your questions about detoxifying your liver and how to have a healthy liver. I want to make sure that you have the information you need about liver health, natural liver cleansing, and …

Staying Healthy and Losing Weight – Get the Best from Life with JJ Smith

Written by JJ Smith, #1 NY Times Bestselling Author and Weight Loss Expert

Posted April 14th, 2021 under Detoxification, Health and Wellness, JJ Smith, Liver Focus

Get the Best from Life with JJ Smith! Learn about my weight-loss, cleansing, and lifestyle supplements, programs, and books I want you to know what I know about staying healthy, losing weight, and getting the most out of your beautiful body. As a nutritionist and certified weight-loss expert, I’m passionate about helping you live your …


Food and Your Liver Health – Learn how Food Impacts Your Liver Health

Written by JJ Smith, #1 NY Times Bestselling Author and Weight Loss Expert

Posted July 9th, 2020 under Diet/Weight Loss, Health and Wellness, Liver Focus

What you eat and drink has a direct impact on your physical, mental, and liver health. The higher quality food and drinks you consume, the higher quality health and wellness you can have. Not only do you feel better when you eat a balanced diet and stay properly hydrated, you’re also giving your liver the …

What Does a Liver Supplement Do?

What Does a Liver Supplement Do?

Written by JJ Smith, #1 NY Times Bestselling Author and Weight Loss Expert

Posted May 19th, 2020 under Belly Fat, Health and Wellness, Liver Focus

Get the facts on how a healthy liver supplement improves your liver health When you walk into your local drug store, you see multiple aisles of supplements and vitamins. It can be very challenging to recognize the safe supplements from the not-so-safe. When researching healthy liver supplements, it’s super important that you read all the …

Liver Cleanse Detox

Do’s and Don’ts of a Liver Cleanse

Written by JJ Smith, #1 NY Times Bestselling Author and Weight Loss Expert

Posted May 5th, 2020 under Detoxification, Liver Focus

Learn How to Detoxify Your Liver Safely A healthy liver is key to optimum health. The healthier your liver, the better you feel and look inside and out. There are articles online about how to detoxify your liver and while these articles are well-intentioned, many of them contain misleading information. Believe me, I know the …

Belly Fat Indicates Why You Need a Liver Cleanse

Your Liver: Why Belly Fat Indicates that You Need a Liver Cleanse

Written by JJ Smith, #1 NY Times Bestselling Author and Weight Loss Expert

Posted April 22nd, 2020 under Belly Fat, Detoxification, Liver Focus

Get the facts on how to have a healthy liver and flat belly It’s no secret that a healthy liver is vital to your ability to burn fat. In fact, the liver is your fat burning organ. It is responsible for breaking down toxins in your body, metabolizing fat and carbs, and building protein so …

Clean Liver

Why a Clean Liver is the Key to Burning Fat

Written by JJ Smith, #1 NY Times Bestselling Author and Weight Loss Expert

Posted February 20th, 2020 under Detoxification, Liver Focus

A key secret to losing weight and keeping it off is to keep the liver healthy and operating at peak performance.  The liver, also known as the fat burning organ, is your number one weapon to weight loss.  A clean liver is responsible for breaking down, eliminating and neutralizing toxins in the body and breaking …

Detoxifying the Liver is the Key to Faster Weight Loss

Written by JJ Smith, #1 NY Times Bestselling Author and Weight Loss Expert

Posted February 7th, 2020 under Detoxification, Liver Focus

You probably already know how important a strong and proper functioning liver is to maintaining a healthy life. However, you may not have known just how influential a healthy liver is to weight loss. Detoxifying the liver is the key to faster weight loss. Although there are several organs of elimination in the body, most …