Want to Lose Weight in 2013? Stop Dieting!

Written by JJ Smith, #1 NY Times Bestselling Author and Weight Loss Expert

Posted January 5th, 2013 under 17 Day Diet, Detoxification, Diet/Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight in 2013, the BEST thing you can do is to STOP DIETING! Every year, about 20 new diets come out, but yet obesity rates continue to increase year after year. There is a very good reason that there are more diets introduced every year….that’s because it’s a billion dollar industry. Unfortunately, for 95% of the people on a diet, they’ll slowly gain all the weight back when they go off that diet! Don’t be a part of the 95 percent of people who lose weight on a diet and then gain all the weight back in three to five years.

You cannot lose weight permanently by strictly following any special diet, by taking a weight-loss pill, or by following a grueling exercise regimen. The good news is that anyone can lose weight and stay slim if he or she just understands, addresses, and corrects the hidden causes of weight gain. In order to succeed in the battle of the bulge, you have to realize that losing weight PERMANENTLY involves a “LIFESTYLE CHANGE” and NOT a new diet!

Diets are NOT the most effective way to lose weight permanently. Your goal should be to change your lifestyle, including proper nutrition, detoxing, and balancing your hormones, as a way to achieve your weight-loss goals. When most people think of dieting, they immediately think of eating less, which is a flawed dieting technique that allows you to lose weight in the short term but rarely allows you to keep the weight off permanently.

Even if you achieve your weight-loss goals through a particular diet, you slowly gain the weight right back. The problem is that you “go on” a diet, which implies that you also later “go off” the diet. A typical diet is something you do for a short period of time. Therein lies the reason 95 percent of people who lose weight on a diet gain it back. In fact, if someone tells me they’ve lost twenty or thirty pounds on some great new diet, I tell them to come back in six months’ time. If they have maintained their weight loss, then I’m willing to listen about this great new diet. By then, in many cases, they have unfortunately already begun to gain all the weight back.

Additionally, traditional diets so often don’t work because they don’t address the toxic waste in the body. Simply counting calories does not detoxify and cleanse the body. Weight loss won’t be permanent if your body’s systems are sluggish or impacted with waste matter or if your organs are not functioning at peak performance. You must first rid your body of toxins to ensure that your body can best metabolize the food you eat without leaving excess waste which results in weight gain.

Diets require that you eat less and lower your calorie intake, but if you don’t provide your body with adequate nutrition, it will go into starvation mode and begin to hold on to fat for future use. Fat cells respond to starvation by holding on to the fat they already have as a survival mechanism, making it more difficult to shed fat in the long run. However, if you give your body the proper nutrition, it will shed fat, and the pounds will melt away without you even making an effort. When we consistently provide the body with good nutrition, the brain no longer believes the body is dieting, so it “relaxes” and stops telling the body to hold on to fat. As an example, if you skip breakfast to cut calories and lose weight, your stomach will begin to growl and send a message to your brain that you are starving, and it will immediately begin to store fat for future use in case your body does not receive any more food.

Any diet that deprives us of nutrients works against our weight-loss efforts. Even if you decide to lower your caloric intake, you still must be sure to eat high-quality foods that contain a lot of nutrients and vitamins. This is the key to losing weight.

So, in 2013, forget about dieting and commit to making a “lifestyle change” that will help you lose weight, get healthy and get your sexy back!

JJ Smith (http://jjsmithonline.com/), author of Lose Weight Without Dieting or Working Out!, is a nutritionist and certified weight-management specialist who has been featured on The Montel Williams Show, The Jamie Foxx Show and on the NBC, FOX, CBS and CW networks. Her advice has also been featured in the pages of Glamour, Essence, and Ladies Home Journal. Since reclaiming her health, losing weight, and discovering a “second youth” in her forties, bestselling author JJ Smith has become the voice of inspiration to women who want to lose weight, be healthy, and get their sexy back! JJ may be contacted by email at info@jjsmithonline.com and on Twitter: jjsmithonline and Facebook Page: RealTalkJJ